Tuesday, February 05, 2019


I would say that this day is as close to an average February day as they get. Frozen ground, a light cloud cover that eventually fades to give us that cornflower blue sky.

(Morning: still a tad cloudy, but with bright contours and a promise of better light)

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You begin to imagine spring: what would it be like to have the crab apple in bloom, to see the willow fill out with its pale green leaves...

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We aren't at the cusp of spring -- I'm not that easily deceived! -- but we are moving along at a good clip and that natural progression feels good. It's as it should be. A day of February calm.

(My morning animal feeding becomes more interesting as the kittens become increasingly used to the routines. They are beginning to understand who butters their bread.)

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Breakfast. I call Ed down -- it's now or never! In a few minutes Sparrow will be here!

Ed -- are you done (with the photo) yet?

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No... Let's try again.

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Indeed, the little guy does come moments later. We've flipped the schedule somewhat and so this week, Tuesday is his farmhouse day. Is he happy about it?

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He's Sparrow, isn't he?

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Feeding: the smile lingers...

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... at least until he finds himself confronted with carrots.

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Sparrow is a quiet guy, but he has good control of his body. Still, wanting to go somewhere and getting there are, unfortunately, not the same thing!

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In the afternoon, I pick up Snowdrop.

(Jacket on...)

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(Jacket off...)

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After our ritual reading time, we play.
She has an idea. She always has an idea: Gogs, we're taking a trip!

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We'd just read a book where someone feels compelled to take a necessary journey, so I ask her -- Is it a necessary journey?
No, it's a fun and beautiful journey.
Okay then! Fasten your seat-belts! We will be flying over the ocean!
No, not over the ocean, over one hill and 16 pieces of grass.

And in a few minutes:
Holy smoke! We just landed in a beautiful place!

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And in that beautiful place I lose her to a story which she spins now for herself. I retreat to sip a coffee with frothy milk while she tells her tale.

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Later, I drive the little one home. And the icy mix comes down and we are in the middle of a winter storm once more. There will be another winter storm tomorrow. And the next day.

Perhaps there is no such thing as a typical February day. From calm to storm. From sunshine to ice. But just remember, after February comes March. And soon after, blossoms and willow leaves.