We're not getting the heat waves plaguing the west, but it's definitely warming up and the soil in the flower beds feels very dry. Nobody can say that we are past drought worries. In the next few days, I'll have to decide if I should let my flower beds go for the year (tempting), or whether I should keep them active and producing by giving them all a good soak.
For now, things look good, but this wont last if we don't get rain (or if I don't work the hose) soon...

My snipping this morning was interrupted by a phone call from a little girl asking shyly if there was any way that she could come over. Parents were temporarily without cars, so we'd suspended the regular Thursday farmhouse visit. That was a mistake. Of course I can do a pick up! Only, I hadn't eaten breakfast yet...
No problem! She'll join us for breakfast!
(me: if you could stand in front of your favorite flower, which would it be? Snowdrop: there are so many... maybe this one?)

(a new fairy on a flying unicorn came to live here...)

(preparing breakfast: three people, three different cuts of peaches...)

(on the porch: patient with Dance)

(breakfast at last! she says yes to a left over pain au chocolat...)

(in cleaning up in the kitchen, after breakfast, I'm thinking: that is one good view out the window!)

(When it's time to go home, she does her usual sprint to the tree...)

(and as always, a pause to sniff the phloxes!)

(Meanwhile, back at the house, we have the boy who really likes his home, especially since Covid...)

Thursday is market day for us and today is no exception.
But here's a first (well, if you look back to the last couple of years...): loaded with our market and CSA acquisitions, we climb on the motorbike and head to downtown Madison for a dinner out.
Honestly, I cannot even remember when Ed and I last ate out at all, let alone at Brasserie V -- our go-to Madison eatery. I tried looking back at Ocean posts, putting "moulles frites" into the search box and a post from Sorede popped up: we ate mussels and fries on the town square after a day on the beloved (by me) Franqui beach. June, 2011. I know we've eaten moulles frites since then, but not last year and not the year before because, well there was Covid and before that there was the winter and I don't like going out much when it's dark and cold outside.
Tonight did not feel dark and cold. Since we dined outside, it felt like Sorede.
(taken by a propped up camera: he's with cider, I'm with a bubbly rose)

We're not in a hurry to dine inside yet, but that could be because it's so lovely to eat outdoors. A little bit like in France, where tables crop up without much care as to the view or the street noise: it's food and it's outside and that's enough!
It felt enough for us!
Miraculously and gratefully vaccinated against a killer disease. Eating at a restaurant again. Makes you want to weep.
with love...