We chase the sun at breakfast time. In winter, the front room nearly always delivers it.

We've set aside the morning to pick up a TV for my mom. She'd resisted, thinking that a commitment to cable was a necessity. We're going to show her it's not. Off to the big box! (Isn't it amazing that you can get a lovely 23 inch TV for $88?)
On the way, I pause to admire the sandhill cranes. I take out my camera.
You already took a photo of them! Possibly the same ones!
Ed, that pretty maple in the Arboretum? I photographed it last year as well. We live a life of repeats!
At least that maple was a year back, so that no one really remembers.
October, November -- they're crane months. Ocean merely reflects that beautiful reality.

TV installed at my mom's, we return to the farmhouse. Ed wants to chop down another tree. A new microwave part has come in from Ebay -- that needs a tinker. Stop sign needs more food (here she is, belly getting fatter each day)...

And of course, I have to pick up the little girl.
Snowdrop is ebullient! No nap for her today in school! She prefers to romp outside. At the farmette, she just wants to stay out and fly her art project -- a kite. I'm cold. She is not.
The kite spins like a tornado!

She soars, I shiver.

I remind her that we must get ready for storybook ballet. She begs for X more minutes. The amount is meaningless -- it's just a stalling tactic.
Ah, but that we could have it all!

While in the big box store, Ed had picked up a pair of new shoes. Good bye to the ones with broken soles and holes everywhere, Hello, Wranglers. He loves your price tag: $19. Amazing.
He shows off his shoes, she shows off her kite.

Snowdrop, hurry up and come inside!
In one minute!
She is full speed ahead today. Her energy knows no bounds.

Is it the sunshine? An October exuberance?

So much joy in one small child!
At the farmette, one or two lilies come back for a last smile at our autumnal skies. October lilies are magical: small, intense, beautiful. Like a child spinning a kite on a windy day.