Well, it's great in the farmhouse! And breakfast is full of color and flowering things.

...but we have to acknowledge and accept this reality: spring is still 24 days away.

When I pick up Snowdrop after school, she asks with such hope for the stroller and of course, I have to disappoint her. We take the car to her home and even the leftover bit of cheesy croissant doesn't quite make up for the fact that this day is no Wednesday February 22 2017.

We look around for ways to make the day brighter. With crayons!

(... and dreams of trips to warmer places?)

But of course, you know how kids are: they don't get that a day could be so much brighter, warmer, filled with color outside. They may complain about not getting that "one more cookie" or having to go upstairs for a nap, but you'll never hear a two year old say -- "the world is just too drab and gray right now!"

Evening. Post nap, post day, post crazy week. Sit back, exhale. (And munch a handful of goldfish crackers.)

Smile at the beauty of it all: the people around you, the warm air at home, the goldfish crackers.

In fact, I am heading south tomorrow: to Chicago, to visit my younger daughter. On the one hand, it will be cold there (just above freezing). On the other, it will be four degrees warmer than here (just below freezing). I'll take it!