Sunday morning comes in warm, with a mixed cloud cover. I am up early. My girls are coming with their families for brunch. Porch weather indeed!
Ed is proud of the 18 eggs I use for a brunch frittata: cheeper eggs, with marigold egg yolks, given to us by very happy chickens (the frittata also has shaved asparagus, pan-crisped prosciutto, and crumbled goat cheese. It's got spring written all over it!

The families are here! Snowdrop comes with a present for Gogs.

Primrose is thrilled to explore the permissible side of the fence in the kids' play room.

Sparrow eats an early brunch. He's still keeping to a morning nap and so he retires just as we are about to sit down for our meal.

An interlude with Ed: Primrose is definitely afraid of the him! Someday she'll laugh at this. He's the most mild mannered big guy I know.

I'm so grateful that the weather gods gave us this most sublime morning on the porch!

With eight of us around the table, Snowdrop tries hard to find a way to enter the conversational whirlwind...

In the meanwhile, Primrose is paying the farmhouse cook the biggest compliment: she gobbles up the frittata, the fruit, the croissant, the apple cake.

The parents are lingering around the table, in the way one does on a beautiful day. I want to take Primrose to the barn to show her the cheepers. Snowdrop wants to lead the way!

She dishes out the corn. Primrose is fascinated!

Afterwards, we head for the young orchard. It's dandelion nirvana there right now!

Barefoot in the grass...

My two girls, loving the flowers, the cool turf, the warm day...

Ed takes this photo...

Garden walk: Primrose and her mom.

Ah, that Primrose proud smile!

Sigh... Eventually, the young family has to leave. Oh, but what a glorious visit it was!!
We're told storms will develop in the afternoon. But, the skies stay mostly blue. Ed and I have a window to do some heavy duty yard work. We get to it immediately.

And in the evening, the local young family comes back for a farmhouse dinner. Let's greet Sparrow, (who so often naps during my family picture taking)!

We eat in the kitchen. There is a rumble of thunder and there surely will be rain tonight...

(Sparrow's first spaghetti noodle...)

She is an old pro...

Yes, the storms do come to us eventually. I'm sure the two dozen plants I put in this weekend will appreciate the rain. I do wish we didn't have a week of cool temperatures before us, but honestly, I'm still in the glow of this brilliant weekend. I can take a few off days. Can't be greedy!