Chicago, where I am right now, is a tad warmer, but it's surely not good weather for a stroll. Not by a long shot. My granddaughter Primrose (who is my charge today) and I stay put!
(Hungry girl!)

(She's not one to sit still. Tossing all the toys out of the toy basket thrills her!)

Eventually, like any child, she tires. Her nap time is my breakfast time.

On the move again! Primrose can now walk, so long as she can hold on to something.

Little one, can we take a pause? For Spot flip books, she'll take a pause.

But then she eyes something equally enticing: grown up books! (Deliberating on the choices.)

She likes this one! There is a suggestion in her gaze: might we bring this cake to life?

Not today, Primrose. Not today.
Can I interest you in a cracker snack instead?
(Easily mollified.)

I have turned my daytime waking hours over to this splendid young child. I can give her that much (not enough! Chicago is so far!).
But late in the evening, when Primrose is asleep, I turn my attentions to my daughter: she and I go out to dinner (her husband babysits). Call it a birthday meal, call it a rare moment when that now grownup daughter, that supremely busy adult person can be your child again, indulging you and your stories over some very good Basque food, as if we were traveling to those corners of the world once more. And maybe just tonight, we are.
(At the Bar Biscay)

So cold outside! For once, tonight, I don't give it a second thought.