It's fine and well to tell yourself on day one that you will work cleaning and clearing the flower fields every single day for an hour or more until the end of April, it's another thing altogether to go outside on day two, feel the wind, look up at the clouds, and proceed with your plan.
First, let's eat breakfast. That's a grand excuse to stay indoors.

Then -- let's wait a while. Maybe it will warm up.
But in the end, I stay with my resolve. Those new plants will need homes worthy of their (future) magnificence. The job of clearing space has to be done. Let's get to it!
We put in more than "just" one or two hours worth of work! At this rate, we may be done ahead of April's end.
By early afternoon, I have a good excuse to call it quits. Since it is Thursday, I'm off to pick up Snowdrop at school.
I'm so proud to see her coming out with a big grin. The transitions from a fun preschool to no school, to remote school, to this social-distanced-masked-please-dont-talk-to-anyone-and-that's-just-one-of-a-million-COVID-rules school has not been easy. But she comes out smiling every time. I can see it in her eyes.

(energetic at the farmhouse)

(Drawing a post-it note for my fridge while Unie watches...)

(Happy... and color matched with my flowers!)

Evening. Ed has long ago fallen asleep next to me on the couch. The little chicks are doing a quiet little sing song. It's time for me to call it a day. So that I will have the energy to tackle tomorrow's weeds.