We have Snowdrop as our morning house guest, but the little girl sleeps in late and as I putz around the kitchen, I wonder if the promise of good weather will truly come to pass. It's cloudy in the early hours and I'm glad that Ed's second face off with the sputtering furnace (yesterday) was successful, because we need the heat.
Snowdrop is in a gentle and sweet mood and we do our usual routines. Her first breakfast, still in pj's...

... a bath, and then the preparation of the big breakfast: pancakes (by her choice)!
Is it time to flip, gaga?

I didn't think we would be up for a breakfast outside, but the skies began to clear and with that glorious sunshine, I decide it is warm enough.
A little Easter bunny hopped over to the table to be with you!
It's purple? She's not certain. I'll have to introduce her to the concept of magenta.

She is instantly attached to it. And to the pancakes. As is Ed.
Me, I'm just loving this brief April fling outdoors...

Hmmm. All that maple syrup... Maybe a bib is a good idea, Snowdrop.

After breakfast, I take her home.
Bunny has to come home with me.
Shouldn't bunny stay at the farmhouse?
No, bunny is going home to mommy and daddy.
Fair enough. (I can snatch "purple wurple" floppy ears back later.)

And then I return to the farmette and I set to work: digging, planting lily bulbs, mulching, weeding -- the usual, sure, but all against the backdrop of a blue sky. Look! The old cherry is blossoming!

What a gorgeous day. No, really: you cannot improve upon it.


And in the evening, the young family comes over for Easter dinner. I do a rather traditional menu: chicken marinated in buttermilk, garlic and cayenne, mashed potatoes, asparagus, corn. And for dessert -- home made raspberry ice cream and little fiancier cakes.
But first, I direct Snowdrop to the Easter bunny's farmhouse evening gift for her: she has her own chicken. No, it's not real. Thank God.

Dinner. Once again, we almost didn't eat outside. It's in the mid sixties F (about 18C) -- so borderline for a meal outdoors.
But, oh, am I glad we went with the gut! It was a beautiful evening!

Just beautiful. (Snowdrop, reacquainting herself with ice cream.)

Yep. A thumbs up.

Little financier cake as well.

I do so hope your day was as beautiful! Full of flowers. And love.