People use distractions to turn your attention away from the real menace that is brewing under your noses. You're outraged by the enormity of the "distraction" and meanwhile things happen that you should have been paying attention to, but for the distraction. Litter the airspace with distractions and watch people run wildly in every direction trying to understand what's going on and what comes next. Me, I am always under a pile of distractions of a different sort -- ones that take me away from what I really want to be doing. Many of them include doctors visits. For a person who appears actually quite strong and healthy (for my age), I sure have a lot of doctor visits in my calendar. Why? Well, they come recommended. To check on this, to check on that, to recheck something else. Ed does none of this and wastes no time in doctors offices. Question is: who is leading the better life? (I'll let you know once one of us keels over.)
Today I had another recheck (which revealed nothing of great consequence, and demands that I do nothing more, except knowing me and knowing my doc, I bet we'll be rechecking this again in a year or two). It took the better part of the morning. A distraction from what I want to be doing.
I did have time to feed the cats and chickens...

... and though it was very early, Ed did come down to breakfast with me and the tulips.

Yes, I do have a lot of tulips on the table right now. February is the month when I allow tulips to enter the scene. Because February signals the tail end of winter for me and the imminent (well, not so imminent in Wisconsin) arrival of spring. Some are grocery store tulips, but, too, I have a basket of forced tulip bulbs that sprouted just a couple of weeks ago. Altogether, it's looking nice here, on our kitchen table.

Since my morning is made threadbare, I decided to rip it up completely and so after the doc visit, I went grocery shopping. I think it's my first time in the new year (I've been saving time by ordering food online in recent weeks). I like my grocery store and I like pushing a cart and putting beautiful foods into it, but I dont like driving nearly 20 minutes to get to it (and then 20 back). But hey, I was downtown anyway, so I shopped.
And I may as well give it up after that. A quick lunch (still munching on granola bars), and then I'm off to pick up the kids.

There wasn't a good reason to say no to the weekly ice cream treat (though I wonder -- how is it that I got bamboozled into a weekly ice cream treat?) so we go to the Chocolate Shoppe...

At home, we dive for the book (Pine Island Home) and for the fruits and for the Lego pieces (that one is Sparrow's domain).
It's a late day here for the kids, but that's fine. They too are a distraction -- they keep me off the computer! And sometimes, that's a good thing.
with love...