Saturday, July 24, 2010

prewedding, continued

Still searching and sampling. A morning run to a Baker’s Wife and then the Angry Catfish. The first has a traditional air about it.


The second has coffee and... see if you can guess from one of the posters what else:


No, not lady's (under)garments, though I am very sympathetic to the plight of the woman who bikes in skirts and dresses. The shop also sells and services bicycles. The coffee, by the way, is superb. (Hi Marlo!)


And I should point out here that Minneapolis is a city that's rich in (coffee and) bike culture -- having also adopted the bike rental program (the Paris model) of pick up here and drop off there, and if it’s for a half hour it’s free, and otherwise -- $5 for the day. And perhaps more importantly, this city is (unlike Paris) a bike friendly place, though I do think you have to view these virtues in perspective: if I can only stand to bike in Madison April through October (and then not every day in April and not every day in October), how much shorter is the biking season here?

But, today is warm. We end the morning bakery run with perhaps the most known of the lot – Rustica café and bakery. With a cool assortment of Danish-like pastries, brioches, and galettes, it wins as the day’s favorite for baked goods.



Okay, sweetened up, we proceed with the rest of the day.

[I have to mention this, because if ever the was a running thread to this week-end it is that of the camera snafu that has seized all non-eating and visiting spare minutes of my waking hours and some of Ed’s as well. I wrote some while ago that I sold my malfunctioning SLR and was ready for something different. My “something different” did not arrive on time for this trip and in any case, it’s been sold out nearly everywhere. Trying to accomplish an Internet purchase where a dealer would actually be able to deliver on a promise has been a major challenge. I have made endless tiresome orders and cancellations on my credit card -- reflecting the fact that it's a mean world out there, in camera sales. Eventually, the mess will be straightened out, but if someone tells me Internet buying is a cinch, I most definitely have a counter example for them.]

Eating aside, we are doing some strolling and people watching too, especially in the late morning hours, as we walk to the farmers market by the Mill City Museum. Beautiful. And colorful. Let me just put up one or two photos that might show off some elements you’re not likely to see at out Madison Saturday markets.



And now, errands for bride’s family behind me (400 powder blue coctail napkins -- check; one soft camera lens cover -- check), I’m finally ready to walk over to the wedding itself. It’s a bit of a hike so I must get going.


I am in the thick of color. And I mean so much more than the hues and tones around me. (Though not to ignore those!) If you’re not impressed by vignettes from a day of good people and good food then come back tomorrow, or better yet – the next day.

If you’re bemused that I should travel far, early in the morning, with a food loving bunch in search of a good bakery, right before we are to head for a wedding brunch, to be followed by an early dinner at the new and exquisite Piccolo, then read on.

No, I changed my mind. Go ahead and retire for the night. I should as well. Still, did I mention here how delightful it was to go through the day (as described above) in the company of Marlo?

He’s the grandson of one of my friends here. He was with us at the bakery (see how he takes to the iPhone here, with his dad, Jonny, a chef at Madison’s Underground Food Collective)...


... and he was with us at the pre-wedding day brunch (there’s my friend-- the proud grandmother, with her two daughters and her grandson)...


...and he neglected his nap so that he could watch with us the sun throw dappled light on plates of exquisite food, accompanied by the best white wine sangria ever...



...and he was with us at dinner, but I did not photograph him much then. Can’t let the little guy become too comfortable with all the attention. Okay, one photo:



He was such a good little guy. He didn’t even mind it that we got hopelessly lost and he didn’t roll his eyes when his grandma and I demonstrated our complete ignorance in working the GPS on the iPhone. Oh, you mean the icon stays put and the dot is supposed to move? Ah.

It was a wonderful prewedding day.

Excuse me? You want to see the couple about to be married? I can oblige. From a late night moment at the hotel bar, all glittery and golden.


And in the shadows, the three good friends -- the grandmother of Marlo, the mother of the bride, and the blogger. Seen it all and then some. Satisfied that our daughters are doing just fine.
