Another large, round number in our isolation tally! Sad but true.
Still, from a distance, we watch the world go by and even though yes, there is that distance, I feel not entirely disconnected from the rest of humanity. (Ed, well he has me to look at and admire. That's it. Otherwise, now that the front steps are built, he sees no one. Even curbside pick up errands are run by me, as I am more obsessively reliable with the whole distance thing.)
The morning is cold. The day is cold. The season is cold. We expect nothing less. And in fact, today, I go on my animal-feeding-farmette-strolling walk in a winter jacket.

Breakfast, still with flowers from the yard. Enjoy them -- there will not be any more flowers from the yard. Not until April.

In the afternoon, I have a meetup (distanced, masked, outside) with Snowdrop. She had had an unfortunate encounter with one of their cats and I got a very discombobulated little girl before me, ready to snuggle in her sleeping bag and not come out. But, what are grandmas for if not to smooth out the upset, to throw out disparaging comments about a cat that would dare make my grandchild unhappy, and eventually to coax a smile out of the little girl.

I see that she is wearing part of her Halloween costume. (Snowdrop is currently quite smitten with mermaids so predictably, she choose to be one.)

She discloses more of it now as she takes off her jacket. I shiver as I look on. I mean, it is just in the upper 30sF outside (about 4C).
Children have such different perceptions of temperature than I do!
I leave her eventually and as now is my routine, I head out to pick up our CSA box of veggies, and while in that neighborhood, I take a little stroll. To admire houses flanked by autumnal trees, to look wistfully at a cafe that I once frequented with the kids, to enjoy being part of the greater world that I know still exists out there, beyond our safe isolation at the farmette.

Evening has me cooking up a few ingredients for what we affectionately call a Caesar salad. Oh, it has the eggs and the lettuces and then a bunch of other stuff I find in the fridge on this day (spinach, carrots, squash that I roast up, radishes, avocado, olives, cheese, cucumber, peppers and a scrap of smoked salmon).
I'm going to drizzle some maple syrup on the squash... -- this from Ed. Me, I just smile. It's good to have such wee things in your day to smile about.