And yet, as I sit down to a very late breakfast, I think -- this is so good! We are so lucky!

In the afternoon, Ed and I go for a walk in a city park. You'll see it in the photos - the colorless palate, the icy trail...

And still, it's a lovely little jaunt. We come to the lake...

... and the skies clear just a little bit. I see skaters! This is unbelievable! You could not pay me any amount of money to go out in the middle of the lake right now! I'm sure it's not solid! And yet the kids always assume the best. Is that a good thing? I don't know...

Ed claims that you don't need s sled to enjoy a slide down an incline.

I laugh, because it turns out that you do.
Later, I go to Snowdrop's home to help them with the post holiday tidying. It's a lovely time to be there, because the little girl is at once delighted to play with new toys, and, too, adjusting to the demands placed by life itself.

(Goldie the cat is just such a demand.)

(Family, working together.)

There is a lot of sweeping to do and Snowdrop wants to be the leader in this effort. Small brooms, big brooms -- she takes charge of them all.

This then is our day. A take charge kind of day. Don't let it slide! Take charge! And we do. Yes we do.