Tuesday, June 14, 2016


What you can expect on Ocean: four days of photos and not much else.

There comes a time when you cannot put together a credible story. There are two few minutes in a day. I have mornings with Snowdrop and now, as of today, a multi-day reunion with my best of friends of many decades. And so you just get photos.

Morning walk: you have to give credit to what blooms inbetween the big seasons:

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The cheepers follow.

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An interesting sunrise...

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Snowdrop, after morning bath. So... are we going out?

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No? Well fine.

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Maybe now?

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We do go out. For a walk. And it includes a coffee shop break with mommy.

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A rush then. To the store. Home. Water plants. Bake rhubarb cake. Cook dinner. We have guests tonight! (And tomorrow and the next day and the next day...)


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And then the storms come and I sort of notice, but not really. Funny how an evening of camaraderie can push the weather to the sidelines.

Goodnight, goodnight. Until tomorrow's photo post!