Happy Thanksgiving! I hope yours is a good one and maybe a million times better than last year's. I hope you've had a decent year and that you have sweet plans for the one ahead.
Time for me to unroll the Thanksgiving carpet here for our final big day of Thanksgiving feasting.
Morning: this may be the only quiet moment of the day. I make a point of doing a broader walk through farmette lands. To take it all in, to take a few deep breaths and acknowledge feelings of gratitude. But not too long a stroll. It's snowing ever so lightly and the wind is fierce.

Okay, let's roll up the sleeves now. Bacon in the oven. Fruits cut up and readied. Yogurts, scones, cinnamon rolls - all on the table, waiting for the young family to arrive.

We start with a glance at the parade on TV.

Can I tear the kids away to make some cranberry muffins? Yes I can!

Hey, it's Santa, bringing up the tail end of the parade!
Is it the real one?
So they say!

Can't be too relaxed. I work on the lunch. Soup, with grilled cheese squares.

There is play throughout, but until I get that turkey in the oven, my mind is on keeping to a schedule. Still, I can't resist putting in a puzzle piece with these two...

Or giving a bounce to this little guy...
Family at play, all around me.

I work at getting the corn out, the beans ready. I cut up apples, onions, oranges, lemon, fennel, ginger and garlic for the bird. Peel lots of potatoes for the hasselback cheesy potato gratin. Get things ready for when the turkey is out and the gravy making begins.
Five hours later, the big guy is ready. The potatoes are baking in the sheep shed and as I run to give them one last sprinkle of cheese, I note how incredibly cold it is out there.
And now everything comes together...
And the Thanksgiving meal is about to begin.

How quickly kids grow up! A few months ago, the idea of eating a new meat would have had both kids pack up and leave for Hawaii. Or some other remote land. Today, Snowdrop begs to go after the drumstick.

And Sandpiper? He likes to hold on to long stemware.

And he loves the whipped cream on the chocolate pie!

Oh, my two young families! How magnificent it is to share holidays and meals with them!
One group shot before they leave!

And a photo from Chicago, too. Happy Thanksgiving Primrose and family!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
With so much love!!