Lord, I'm one, Lord, I'm two, Lord, I'm three, Lord, I'm four
Lord, I'm five hundred miles from my home
Five hundred miles, five hundred miles
Five hundred miles, five hundred miles
Lord, I'm five hundred miles from my home...
(Hedy West)
If I'm reading the nautical data correctly, Ed is still some 500 miles from his destination, traveling at just under 5 mph. I hope I'm not reading the charts correctly. I hope it's last week's data and he is as we speak sitting at a bar in Puerto Rico enjoying a Medalla Light (the island's most popular beer).
500 miles is just so far...
In the meantime, we have one more week of bitter cold. And snow. Several inches of dry powder blew in last night. And I mean blew in: the porch is snow covered. The farmette paths are snow covered.
I feel my patience with this November is being tested.
Added to the woes of the day is the fact that I really do have a fever and the malaise that comes with a fever and a chest cold. I had to give myself a pep talk before I could stumble out of bed and make my way to the barn and shed to feed the animals. Right on the spot I decided to keep the cheepers locked up for the day. I may not have the energy to corral them into the coop in the afternoon. And it's not as if they want to go out and scratch the snow.
The porch cats are out exploring this morning. That's a problem. If I put out food for them, it will freeze. But I can't wait for their return! I just want to crawl back in bed!
I put out the food and it freezes, of course, and this is just one example of how caring for all these cats can be one giant headache.
The snow, I suppose, is sort of pretty, especially when we get a minute of sunshine later in the day...

But I can't get excited about it. It's too cold and I'm too sick.
As for breakfast -- aren't you supposed to feed a cold and starve a fever? What if you have both? I compromise by eating my morning meal at noon.

On the upside, Motrin is very effective against fevers. And here's another bonus: the furnace is chugging along! When Arctic air comes your way, think how wonderful it is to crank up the heat in your house!
Fortified with several cups of herbal teas, I set out to pick up the kids. I mean, I'm sure I'm on the upswing. A morning rest does wonders!
(Rediscovering Duplo: Snowdrop is trying to imagine state fairgrounds, ferris wheel and all...)

(Sparrow is happy with whatever has wheels!)

And when I am just too tired to be entertaining and stimulating, there's always Olivia on YouTube. Their brains will not rot with an hour of video clips about a spunky pig and her baby brother.

Evening. How about some chicken noodle soup? Sound good to you? Me too!