Friday, September 13, 2019


Call it a mini whirlwind. The air is crisper, the storms have moved on, fall is inching our way. All predictable, all expected. We do, however, have a few spikes of activity in the next month and this weekend brings one of them: Ed's college roommate + spouse are coming for a visit, which means that I'll be pressing Ed to do stuff I've wanted him to do a little more urgently. That pile of papers by the couch! Washed away wood chips by the path that need to be replaced. Again, small stuff. I'm not even hoping for biggies like mowing the lawn or cleaning the stove. He resists the idea that we should make an effort just because friends are about to descend on us.

Ed, I'll mow the shoulders of the driveway.
Gorgeous, don't bother.

I do it anyway.

But first, there is, of course, breakfast. We're back on the porch! Cool, but very pleasant.

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(view from porch...)

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And grocery shopping and yes, tidying.

The second consequence of having visitors is that my time on the computer plummets. Expect short posts. Which, perhaps, is a good thing!

Snowdrop still does come over in the afternoon...

(Rushing, because there's a Lego set waiting for her inside...)

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(I spend a handful of minutes trying to take a photo of Snowdrop for a needed new passport. Here's one that I like, even as it's not a candidate for the document!)

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And in the evening, I turn my focus to the arrival of the two friends.

Tonight we eat out (at Sardine, because Ed and I have no imagination).

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But for the next two days, I'll be cooking. I'll check in with you between market shopping and chopping up the usual stuff that needs to be chopped up in preparation for a big meal.

(Harvest Moon, over Lake Monona...)

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