Wait, what motivation? Does anyone feel any strong motivation to do something great, fabulous, difficult, healthy or demanding? Well good for you. I am not in your club today. The temperatures are falling, falling, the skies are covered with a thick layer of gray, the landscape is 99% brown (the remaining 1% is black). It seems like a great day to bake cookies, but we have so many packs of cookies from my Clasen Bakery forays that I cannot see myself adding to the loot. And no one in the whole extended family is in need of even more sugar.
I am up early. Who knows why. It's not that these girls can't wait.

(Though sometimes it does seem like their soul purpose in life is to get me to dish out interesting foods for them. They run after me as if I were about to deliver fresh croissants, for a blissful snack of flaky, buttery leftover morsels.)
Breakfast, nutritious, because, well, you have to balance your days with the occasional good for you oatmeal.

Sometime in the course of breakfast preparation (cutting up fruit for four people takes time... the kids will eat theirs later), I hear a story on the radio that once again urges older people to get up and get moving. I think this time it's to increase your ability to retain details. Or more realistically -- to forestall the loss of details. Coincidentally, I check in on Facebook and find this, posted by my friend George (credit: Scott Johnston Cartoons):
You would thing that I would, therefore, take seriously the missive to get out and get going.
It didn't happen.
Not until it was time to go and pick up the kids at school. Call it a day of sagging motivation.
Hard to believe that Sparrow and Snowdrop want ice cream. And that they make the dash from car to shop without jackets!
(she's helping untangle his hair)

There are days like this. Days where you can find nothing "great" about the great outdoors. Nothing that you want to touch, to be a part of. Days when you just want to cocoon yourself in your warm and snug home and stay there. Obviously we have some bear in us. A desire to hibernate. With warm bear hugs, maybe a lick of honey...