It's cold enough outside that if you are not yet used to winter cold, you shiver with every step. It's gray. The leaves -- except for the big maples -- are mostly gone. The flower fields should be trimmed and shaped for winter but I'm not in the mood for it. The county park paths that we normally love so much do not beckon. Yes, it's the kind of day where you can enjoy the quiet and warmth of a cozy space, except that you know you should not sit all day -- you should be moving. But tell me who in November feels like prancing around outside? Okay, you can always find a sucker out there, but really, she or he will be the exception.
A walk to the barn and back...

Then breakfast -- now that is in fact cozy. And warm. And lovely.

But then I sit down and start reading. Still pulling at post-election threads. Still wondering -- why aren't most voters concerned about, talking about, thinking about climate change? Of course, I understand the answer, but it makes me uneasy: if we can't ever act collectively to protect ourselves from an even slightly distant danger, if it's all about today's price of gas at the pumps, then what hope is there for any of us?
I go out for a walk. A brisk walk. It's not especially enjoyable, but it does give me a surge of good feelings afterwards (of the type where I am thrilled that I'm done with movement for the day and I can now stay home).

Both kids are at the farmhouse today. Everyone's healthy and happy.

Sparrow has taken to loving ties, Snowdrop still comes with her summer shoes -- no socks, just shoes. You could say they have moved her straight from the August swimming pool to the crispy days of November.
I ask her -- aren't your toes cold? Gaga, these shoes are hot! The girl has an internal thermometer that I completely do not understand.
(he couldn't decide whether to go with this classic tie or whether to pull out his bow tie... he loves them both so much!)
It's no longer good biking weather and so Ed stays home tonight. Good. I bake fish, asparagus. We watch a show about lions. Perfect for a cold November night. Tomorrow? Likely more of the same. But you do get used to the cold. In a few weeks, this weather -- hovering just above the freezing point -- will seem downright balmy.
Ah, November! You do test one's love for the four seasons! But you haven't broken me! I'm still looking forward to winter.