Oh, but wait. The UPS truck has left a package. I’ve been told to expect something like this. Indeed, it is THE package. With the work of one of Ocean’s most loyal and supportive commenters.
Snip, cut, open.
There they are: daughters. Two different portraits, two methods of achieving something memorable and beautiful. He’d done the first after seeing a photo of a daughter on Ocean. The second followed soon after. (My apologies for the less than adequate presentation. I was in a hurry!)
I’ve been dazzled by his generous impulse before. Here, remember his woodcut of a Florence picture I put up on Ocean?
And he’s done another – of the Paris bridge in a furious burst of wet snow, again, from an Ocean photo. He has this habit of making me feel happy about the occasionally good photo here.
My artist friend (and he is that, even though I’ve never actually met him) works with many art forms, woodcuts, paintings, yes those, and, as well – he’s a professional photographer. You can see much of his art here, on his website.
You can learn a lot about doing art (however small or large your skills) by viewing the art of others. And, you can learn a lot about friendship by watching those who know so intuitively how to be a good, rock solid friend to others. Using all their best talents to bring specks of joy and a smile to the people they encounter.
Thanks, Dan. Treasures, all of them. Now happy in their new farmhouse home.