But the days immediately following your daughter's wedding are singular from the get-go.
Oh, the weather may replicate patterns from before. Foggy, wet... The repetition of stuff that would drive me nuts for its wedding incompatibility. Now? Can't say that I care much. I check the weather only for Wednesday, to see if there may be flight delays for my connections out of here. Otherwise, I am living a weather detox.

I spend a lot of time on the porch today. Breakfast...

...and then a longer spell with a couple of "out-of-towners..."

In that time, it rains, a steady rain that is rather pleasant to witness from the shelter of the porch.
The young couple stops by as well -- to pack up all they'd brought with them from the Twin Cities. It is good, too good to see them. For a second, they make us feel like we are still in the thick of celebrations. Or better -- that they had stopped over for a quick hello, on their way home just around the corner.

We say our post wedding good byes.
After, I hang two bouquets in the sun room.

Right next to the ones I had from my older girl's wedding. I'm not sure they'll last: a spring flower has a different stem and texture than a late summer bloom. But for a while I'll have a bit of the young couple inside the farmhouse with me.