What other news? Let's see... I worked on getting the house together for the weekend, for the month, for the visitors, for Ed.
And we ate breakfast.

As it's Friday, in the afternoon I pick up just Snowdrop (Sparrow goes home with dad). I find her in her class hurrying to finish a painting...

How I love these preschools that give my grandkids such a broad array of learning opportunities and creative outlets! How I wish this was available to all kids everywhere...
As we drive up to the farmhouse, I notice that the gusty winds have taken down one of our signs warning of animals at play. Ed! Help us out here!

How many times do I ask Ed to "help us out here?" In the case of the sign, I wanted to point out to Snowdrop that we could easily do the fix ourselves: a little wire, a good branch... But still, the little one has long ago figured out that Ed is better at fixing broken stuff than I am. The next challenge: to teach her to be more like him than me.

The evening is calmer than we had expected or wanted. The young family from Chicago set out to visit and shortly into the trip they developed car trouble. Ah well. We will see them tomorrow. A busy day it will be! But hey! No crutches!