Sunday, January 21, 2024

leaving Paris

We are leaving Paris today. The good news is that our departure is not at the usual ungodly hour, such that we would have to be up at 5 and at the airport at 7, hungry and tired before the trip had even begun. Our flight to Detroit is to take off in the afternoon. That means I can let the girl sleep in. I can take extra care with packing us up. We can go down to our lovely breakfast downstairs. Croissants, baguette. Yogurts, juice. Cappuccino. And bacon for the little one!



Too, we have time for one last Parisian walk. I give her some choices. She opts for the river. Perfect! We walk the blocks leading up to the Seine...







And cross at the lovely pedestrian bridge...




... which offers great views to the east (above) and to the west (below).




We cut through the Louvre courtyard and talk about what's inside, what art we will someday investigate. And of course we admire the pyramid.



 Paris will begin warming up this afternoon, but right now, in the morning hours, it's still pretty cold, so Snowdrop opts to return rather than continue. I have to agree. We will have walked a good bit. We are satiated with Paris.

Or are we? The girl tells me she is happy to see her fam again but she is super sad at having this trip behind her. And she hates leaving Paris. And I have to wonder -- what is it about this city that draws her in? I get why I like being here, but Snowdrop is just a kid. Why does she love it so much? I have the presence of mind not to ask. Sometimes feelings are best left undefined. Without explanation. Without bursting the bubble with some platitude and speculation.




We choose a different set of blocks for our walk back. There's street art here. Lovely! 






And now we are back in our hotel and by noon we make our way downstairs, say goodbye to the fabulous Hotel Baume staff and catch our cab ride to the airport.

My last photo from Paris? A selfie from our walk across the Seine.



The trip back is not difficult. Sure, there was the matter of the delayed flight, the broken chair, the late return, the looooong wait at passport control. None of it matters. We had a beautiful set of days. The girl is happy. I am happy.

Hi Ed.... Did you miss me? 

Goodnight to all. We are home.