I love this so much about living in the country -- you can feel the crunch of frost under your feet and as the November sun rises, you can see the fields take on that striped look of a receding layer of tiny ice particles.

We eat a late breakfast and that's good, because I have yard work to attend to and no desire to be outside until the sun has warmed a few spaces for me.

I clip raspberries and, too, prune the flower fields somewhat, so that there'll be winter texture in the yard. And of course, I take out the now spent nasturtium, picking out only a few remaining blooms for the kitchen table.

In the afternoon, Ed and I do what we so love doing -- we drive out deeper into the country and pick a set of trails for a brilliant forest hike. A few photos for you from the School Forest trails...

And in the evening, the young family is here for dinner and yes, I'll throw down some photos from this as well. We all want our share of Snowdrop of course...

...and she is in a spectacular mood, possibly because, in addition to the hovering grandma and grandpa Ed, her mommy came back from a several day business trip and her daddy is right there (let's give credit to the guy who let's us all hog her now)...

Too, she gets to eat with the grownups.

I'll end with that pic. You need nothing more after seeing that biscuit encrusted face..