The goal after is to take stock, to set a plan for the weekend garden work. But I linger inside. There's no hurry today. This is the luxury that every birthday deserves (yet it's the one thing that's so tough to come by) -- to have on your hands idle time.
Outside, the daffodils steal it once again. Their gold is my gold today.

I dig and plant just one flower (in a vulnerable spot by the path to the house: here, the cheepers are especially prone to scratching). Tomorrow, I'll work harder.
My afternoon with Snowdrop is special, as her mommy joins us in our play. Adventuring is for the three of us (or perhaps the four of us, as my Chicago daughter calls just as we begin our stroll through the neighborhood: I feel especially rich being unexpectedly surrounded by the chatter of my three best girls!).
We visit the distant coffee shop...

(Where Snowdrop explains to her mommy what's what...)

And then we're off to the park. Snowdrop wont just stay with the kiddie swing these days. She now wants a turn on all possible swings.

A climb up on the life guard's beach chair...

And then we're off walking the neighborhood again, admiring all that's blooming right now.

And still our outdoor time is not over. We tidy up Snowdrop's garden at her home...

And then finally, we're indoors, where Snowdrop is extremely anxious to have me open birthday gifts. (I can help! I can do it!)

If not for my text and, too, that last photo, the post would not appear that different from any other late April Ocean post. So what's the big deal?
And yet it's different. I know the date inside out. April 21st. And indeed, the evening takes on some of those celebratory overtones. A drink out with just my daughter...

A dinner with Ed (a real selfie here, perhaps because we are doing an evening out -- a rarity for us)...

And an evening at home, like the two couch hounds that we are -- looking for something funny and wise on TV, but really, just taking in the last bit of a birthday. Mine, sure, but this doesn't make me unique or special. We all have birthdays. You, me, everybody. Happy birthdays to all of us!