Tuesday, July 02, 2024

messy second day

What a mess! Total chaos. Everything in shambles.


I'm talking about the flower fields of course. Indeed, all fields, forests, meadows -- everything. It rained crazily hard last night, into this morning, into the afternoon and evening too. Sheets of water to an already saturated landscape. Tall flowers keeled over. Lilies drooped and hid their faces. Puddles, mud, streaming water. I got drenched going out to feed the animals.

What a day...

Breakfast says it all: inside, oatmeal. Last time I had oatmeal was in Scotland, once, in Tongue. Before that? On a dismal cold day at the farmhouse, probably when there was still snow on the ground. Today -- I'm in an oatmeal mood.



I spent the morning thinking about what to do with my two cameras. Both are broken. Usable, but each has a malfunction. One -- the shutter release is sticky, probably dirty from excessive use, the other has the switch between view finder and screen mode not working. It's been in the shop before for the same problem. And the thing is, it's such a pain to send them in for a quick fix. So I'm stewing about it. At some point I will have to do it, the only question being which one goes in first and which one can I most live without for the next month or so. In July no less when my flowers beg to be photographed!

Well, not today. Today they're begging for the rain to stop.

There is a dry window right around lunchtime and I dash outside to pick off some spent lilies. I'm already near 300  flowers in my bucket for the day. I also try to stake the hollyhocks, but they are so heavy with rain that it's a little pointless. They are nearly broken with despair. 

Still, this is a good time to take at least a few photos. There is some color out there! Let's love it for what it is!

I get wet. You try plunging into a flower field after a heavy rainfall. And inevitably, it starts raining again. I go in. It stops, I go out, now in dry pants, which get wet again.

I'm on pants number three for the day. But, I did clip the lilies and I pulled some weeds. And I am sooooo looking forward to a drier tomorrow!