Wednesday, September 18, 2013

the ride back

It was a time of such intense work that I even skipped the morning walk through the garden.

And so I have no photos to offer you from the day.

But, in the evening, as I swung rosie south and then west (aiming toward a strip mall where they have quite good take-out Thai food), I flipped the helmet face shield up to catch the breeze and took a look around me. It was a cloudy ride -- in fact, for a few moments I thought I'd surely get the rain on my back. No pretty sunsets, no lovely autumn colors and yet, if you look hard, you can be enchanted.

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Even the mostly dried corn has a stark but splendid air to it. Like a color guard team, only without the color.

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The Thai takeout had somehow toppled and spilled in the back crate and you could say that was an apt ending to a day that deserved no better than a sloshy meal scraped from a plastic sac, but I'd rather remember that turning into the final stretch, the skies cleared over the soy fields and even though it was nearly dark, that final view of field and sky was so satisfying, that it was worth a pause and a smile, the back crate supper mess not withstanding.

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Breakfast today? Hurried and still a tad on the gray side. In the kitchen this time. But, I could put this caption to it and it would not be incorrect: light at the end of the tunnel.

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