Ten minutes of sunshine this morning, duly recorded, before it all disappeared on us.

(Last night's storms brought tornadoes just south of us. First ones ever recorded in February in Wisconsin.)
At breakfast, we talked about cats and gardens. I'll spare you the cat discussion. Suffice it to say it orbited around this cat.

About gardens: there's a garden expo today at the Expo Center not too far from us. Ed has been clamoring to go, possibly because some donation he made at some point to some environmental something or other netted him two free entrance tickets for it. I waffled. We'd gone before. A lot of displays, selling ideas that do not have anything to do with what we grow or cultivate or install here, at the farmette. And educational presentations that we'd heard before -- there, or on YouTube.
You know who goes to this on a Friday afternoon? Old people with time on their hands who like nick-nacks and ornaments and space to walk indoors on a cold day.
Gorgeous, we are old people. We'll fit right in.
Ed rarely pushes for us to go somewhere and so finally I agreed.
The expo opened at noon today, so I had plenty of time to first work on my school poster boards, but then we had very little time to spend at the Expo, since I have to scoot off to pick up the kids in the very early afternoon. But even "very little time" was too much. We were done in forty minutes flat. Still, there is always the occasional stall that will grab your attention and there was one such stall today at the Expo. These guys:

Straight from Holland. They come to this country to do the garden expos. And they sell Dutch bulbs, of lilies (true lilies) and allium and something I'd never seen before -- tubers of flowering ferns. We bought some from this Dutch speaking duo! I've gotten to really like the true lilies in my garden. They fill tight spaces with robust blooms that last. No snipping required! (At least not on a daily basis.)
Too, I see that there is a Wisconsin Day Lily Society. Were I looking for meetings to go to, I'd join! (Though the woman at the table said some people come only for the treats that they serve. Never mind then.)
In the end it was a very pleasant escapade, reminding you of what lies ahead, in just a couple of months.
The kids today? Great. Bouncy.
We finish a book. A few minutes of play. With toys. A rare thing for the girl these days.
I then shuffle them through their Friday routines, happy to get them to where they needed to be this afternoon on time. Violin. Ballet. Done!
Friday evening. I cook up an impulse buy -- pierogi. Of all Polish foods, this is not one I especially miss, but still, it feels rather nostalgic to go back to these very Polish dumplings. Starchy, tasty. Perfect for the end of the week.
On goes the movie. Chocolates, anyone?