Oh… yes, it’s toasty warm! I’m walking to run errands and I feel my legs burning under the heat of the afternoon rays.
No… not complaining, not even a tiny bit. Feeling warm all over, without the oppressive fear that this will continue for a long time (because it never does, here in Wisconsin), walking outdoors across tracks and routes that caused me to shiver not too many months ago – nice!!!
Even as I continue to bemoan the empty spaces around me. Yes, of course it’s hot. Not that hot! Step outside! Grab a cool drink and sit out in the lovely café patios!
Well, alright, most of the café patios here look out on parking lots, but still, there are ones that can please the senses! This one’s pretty, for example. Even though it’s sadly empty.
I remember seeing cafés in Rome during an equally hot handful of days. Full. Hard to find an empty seat. Some had outside mist hoses, to keep things just that much cooler. But, so long as there was a spec of shade, people congregated outdoors. Come out of your caves, you cold-loving Wisconsinites! It’s beautiful and bright and, unfortunately, so very ephemeral.
Yesterday I met a graduate student at the Law School. He’s visiting for a few months (originally he’s from Poland, but he studies elsewhere right now) and I tell him he’s picked a fine time to be in Madison.
Oh, I know! When we at [the School where he is currently studying] pick our exchange programs, generally we pick them by when our choice classes are offered. But the word is that you pick Wisconsin for the good season.
It is the good season!
I walk down to a strip mall to return a video. And speaking of people, and stripped people no less, these young women are down to almost nothing. You can do this in Madison. We’re not prim here.
At the grocery store, I pick up some herring for supper (along with ingredients for a corn, tomato and scallion salad). Hmmm. Fifteen minute walk home… How does herring feel about waves, record breaking heat waves? The store throws some ice on it, just to be safe.
On my walk home, the ice never even melts. See? Not that hot!