Friday, October 01, 2004

Never has one sentence in a newspaper generated so much calling and emailing

Actually, after a while it makes you feel rather pathetic. The world is saying “Wow! You got mentioned in the NYT (see post about it on September 29)! Great going!” but it is really telling you “Wow! Finally, mention of you somewhere, somewhere… It’s about time! Don’t you feel you’re wasting your life? You might as well hang up a sign saying ‘Don’t come knocking: I don’t do anything important ever. This is as big as it gets.’”

Today, my Berkeley mother finally reached me by phone. Excerpts from our conversation:

Mom: So, all my friends have been reading all about you! Wiry Polish-born law prof! You know, when I saw that, I thought – ‘wiry,’ is that an insult? Are you maybe a bit sharp and ornery?

nc: Mom, I took it as a compliment. You know: young and agile!

Mom: Well that’s what my friends told me: she’s probably thin and healthy.

nc: [My Mom’s friends are from the senior center where she lives] If your friends think I am more agile than them, I *guess* I should be pleased…

Mom: My old friend from NY called me to tell me she read the piece. You remember, she’s friends with (so-and-so) who had a son just your age. Did I tell you he died of a heart attack? No sign, no symptom, nothing!

nc: Thanks for that cheerful update. Anyway, I’m glad you liked the story.

Mom: You’re famous! I bought five copies of the paper! [Do I detect a rare moment of exuberance and pride?] What do you suppose I should do with them, by the way?

nc: Uh, I don’t know Mom. Send them to my father [He lives in Poland and they don’t communicate].

I know this will generate weird links, but…

Thanks to the reader who brought to my attention an article in today’s Guardian. The title of the article says it all: Orgies are the way to ease social tensions, claims US judge. Which judge and in what context? Read on:

Challenged about his views on sexual morality, Justice Scalia surprised his audience at Harvard University, telling them: "I even take the position that sexual orgies eliminate social tensions and ought to be encouraged."

Now, I am mindful of the fact that Bush promised, if reelected, to appoint more judges like Scalia. Gentlemen, are we allowing our fantasy life to interfere with good decision-making?

Thirty-third street pre-election diary*

33rd is looking bright and chipper this morning Posted by Hello
Thirty three days until the election and I see hope. The CNN polls are holding steady. Americans are not duped by a smirking man of few words and even fewer, disgracefully shabby, ideas on foreign policy. Lines like “my friend Vladimir” and “we were attacked by the enemy” fell flat, as well they should. Both in style and in substance, only a staunch Bush supporter would say that the incumbent presented a compelling case for a continuation of a shamefully misguided foreign policy, one that liberally uses such terms as freedom and democracy, while news clips tell a different story – in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Russia, in Darfur.

Here, consider this snapshot from thirty-third street: two faces, one showing determination and clear thinking, one falling apart from shame and disgrace. After the debate, I am exalted to see that most have placed the correct name card in front of each figurehead.

(*see “forty-second street pre-election diary” post, September 22, for explanation of post title)

which one will you vote for? Posted by Hello