Saturday, September 11, 2004


I may be the only blogger that has yet to do a poll on the blog. It’s not that I do not CARE what readers think, but I am drawn to the privacy of email for back-and-forth chats.

But I do think it’s time to be a little more interactive and so, in the spirit of active rather than passive reading, let me suggest a “match the comment with the speaker” game. All the comments were made this morning and as you know, I spend my mornings for the most part foraging for L’Etoile at the Market.

Answers are provided below the photos, for those who are non-players at heart, or lazy, or game-challenged.


1. I spent a year at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. No, I don’t really speak Polish. I haven’t been back since before the change to a market economy. I think it must feel different now.

2. If I had two chocolate croissants in front of me I would not be able to put one away until tomorrow.

3. You would like me to pick up some 50 pounds of nice apples at Weston’s Orchard stand? Like, literally pick them up and then carry them up all those L’Etoile steps? After or before I am done carrying this sack with 5 dozen ears of corn? Okay, so I can save bringing in the 32 pounds of Hickory nuts until later? Gee thanks.

4. Would you like a part time job this week picking pears?

5. I wanted to demonstrate my patriotism today so I asked for this red white and blue face paint job.

6. Can I practice the song at least once before singing it at Karaoke on Monday?

7. There are quite a number of Republicans these days who come to the Market in search of organic foods. I just want to ask them how they can have concern for what they eat and be so indifferent about damage to the environment, which will surely affect their children and grandchildren? I tell them – if you hate the Democrats and refuse to consider a vote for Kerry, could you at least vote for Nader, to send a message that you care about the world you pass on to the next generation?

The people behind the words:

A. Willie of Bleu Mont Dairy
B. Debbie of Carlanna pesto
C. Mrs. Harried, Dorotha’s mother
D. Ocean blogger
E. Selena of Future Fruit
F. My neighbor at the block party (not all conversations were had at the market)
G. Jeremy of JFW

One of the first stands I see each Saturday Posted by Hello

some people come to the Market to shop, others to gossip about karaoke (pictured: two bloggers and a mom) Posted by Hello

the beginnings of a block party Posted by Hello

morning sunlight: a photographer's dream Posted by Hello

pesto, Poland and Grisham Posted by Hello
Answer key: