Gorgeous? I thought you'd want to know -- it's midnight. Happy New Year.
I smile and go back to whatever indifferent dream had been interrupted.
Welcome to a new day in a new month of a new year!
In the morning, Ed says -- what's so special about this day anyway?
It's a cause for celebrating!
For one thing, we've made it this far!
We talk about going skiing, but as wisps of sunlight come and go then disappear altogether, we stay rooted at the farmhouse.
Ah, but breakfast, still touched by that elusive sunshine, is absolutely lovely! Happy breakfasts to all of you!

And then I sit down to do a final correction (well, it's never final) of a chapter of my book and even though my pace has slackened so much that I begin to have doubts that the manuscript will be squeaky clean this year, I feel no guilt nor worry about that. Does it really matter, so long as I still enjoy the process of rewriting sentences?
In the afternoon, I am with Snowdrop. I arrive in time to feed her lunch. (Today: golden beet soup and fruit for dessert.)
Ah, the many faces of Snowdrop. Maybe I needn't provide my own take on her play. We can guess what's in her little head, no? For this first day of the new year, let me just run through a dozen Snowdrops. After all, this is her month. Her year. Her glory. And our delight (or else you would not have stayed with Ocean this long!).

Happy New Year indeed!