Beautiful sunshine here: so unfair when other states are being pounded by storms!

I'm at the farmers' market on the square: with Snowdrop, who always admires my moped!

Her mom and I watch as the girl takes to the grass. Then to the walkway. Then to the grass... and so on.

That was the morning.
In the afternoon, our friends -- Ed's buddy from college days and his wife -- arrive for a long awaited visit.
We head for the Ice Age Trail over by the Wisconsin River. Hard to wrap my brains around the fact that these two were college roommates...

A time release selfie!

And a second hike! To Gibraltar Rock, with those beautiful views over Wisconsin farmlands...

Another time release selfie!

And finally, a dinner on the porch. With the last of this year's corn for sure...

That's it! I'm retreating back to our visitors. A perfectly lovely evening discussing the fine points of building a house from scratch. Which none of us want to do, but all of us seem to have strong opinions on.
Still thinking of friends in Florida though... May their weekend be reasonably calm and may they not have to rebuild much of anything.