Two competing sides, presenting strong arguments, fighting for scarce resources. So which side should win?
The first says -- what a beautiful day! Seize it. Go outside and collect your vitamin D. Sunshine has been rare this month. When it delivers winter blue skies and a sheen and sparkle to the snowy fields, we should be right out there, taking it all in.
(It doesn't quite start out sunny: it's a misty morning, but with promise.)

("What's our game plan for today? Barn? Venture out?")

(Ed comes down for breakfast, but is then called away to a work issue. Still, we overlap a little.)

The second side says: you got a good start on doing a final rewrite of your book. There will be sunshine in future days, but you have struggled to immerse yourself in this project for years now. You've immersed yourself yesterday -- return to it while the going's good.
So who does win? Where would you place your bets?
Ah, the art of compromise... In the end, I return to the rewrite. I am so darn focused on getting it done that I will not make excuses for myself. It's now or never! At the same time, a late afternoon saunter on skis can still be accommodated. And not just your single loop in the county park...

We fit two loops in! We are richly rewarded: at around 3, those who wanted to ski or hike in sunshine will have done so already, at the same time that the dog walkers are not yet out there for their pre-dusk walk. And so we have this corner of the park to ourselves.

And it's beautiful.

(close up...)

(Driving home, pausing to say hi to our friends...)

So compromise is possible and in the end both sides win. How about that. Who would have guessed that sometimes, you can have your cake and wolf it down too. A smaller portion perhaps, but it's there, to be divided, a wee piece for one, a wee piece for the other. Yum.