The amaryllis burst into full bloom this morning. Yes, the bulb that I sort of hoped would bring a bit of color to the Christmas table. The one I planted too late because I was too busy. Or something. And I have to say, I appreciate its beauty all the more now, when there is nothing to be said about the landscape outside the window. Sure, there's snow, but it's wet, melting and getting to be a little messy at the sides. And on top of that, it's a foggy morning, so the world looks a little out of focus on my morning walk to the barn.

So, yay amaryllis!

Ed comes late to the breakfast table. Once again, we talk about the cats. There was another brawl with Pancake last night (he's the black and white recent addition to the farmette lot). Pancake looks a little worse for wear today, and still, I think he's the one who starts the fights. For some reason most of the cats do not like Unfriendly and Pancake is no exception here. When Unfriendly tries to return home, Pancake stands in the way. The fighting begins.
And there is nothing we can do about it.
I spend the day working on a photo book. I have the time for it because two out of the three Madison grandkids have come down with The Bug and the third is just barely over his version of it. Grandparents are not good candidates for babysitting virus stricken kids, since whatever the kids have is likely to pass quickly for them and not so quickly for those pushing the eighth decade. So once again I have no picking up duties today. It's weird -- for three weeks, I have been with some portion of the grandkids pretty much every single day and now for three days I have been without them. Call it a pause. Tomorrow, I'm sure we'll return to a real "normal."
I do go out to shop at the grocery store. This is still a fun activity for me because I've not done it for all these Covid years. It's like regaining eyesight after being temporarily blind. There's joy in those grocery aisles, really there is!
How quickly a day goes by! One minute you're pushing a cart in the grocery store and the next you're rubbing your eyes because surely it's later than late, and you haven't quite synced into the local time zone yet. Let's hope the cats are quiet tonight. We need our sleep!
with love...