Isn't it an apt way to describe thunderous events in our lives? They simmer, then reach a boiling point, then spill over, soaking us in the raging waters of the morning after. Forget about the elections (how can one forget about the elections?!) -- I'm thinking of the weather right now. It's warm. Hot even. Pleasant for a very early walk to the barn...

...but you know that it will all come to a crashing end soon. And we feel that crescendo coming at us right now, as the winds pick up and the clouds roll in.
I have an early morning coffee date with an old colleague-friend. A sweet moment for me, for her as well...

And I have a screening type appointment right after. This I can analogize as well to a boiling caldron, where you don't know how things will turn out. Either you walk away with a clean slate (for another period of time), or it'll spill over to a year of medical issues. Each time I hold my breath. And thankfully today I can exhale. Boiling waters contained, I can walk away unscathed. For now. How can one not feel grateful for the gift of a good morning?!
Straight from there, I drive to Madison Sourdough, where they have the most awesome looking loaf of an October bread...

And I come back to a late morning post-breakfast with Ed. On the porch! Just incredible. On the porch! But, the winds are swirling and we know a change is in the air.

I pick up the big two. There's a bit of wildness in the air. Leaves swirling, dark clouds forming. But, there are still flowers for Sparrow, and a hose ready to be turned on by Snowdrop.

Toward evening, we, the three of us,meet up with their mom at Barrique's. It's a complicated scheduling decision, but one that gives us a little time to spend together. (I haven't caught up with my older girl in a while!).

I drive home in the shadows of swirling dark clouds. And before I pull into our rural road, the rains come down. And lightening lashes out at the scorched earth.
At long last, there is rain.
We settle in for an evening on the couch. I'm so happy to have a chunk of the week behind me. To have peace before the next storm (elections!) erupts.
with love...