There is a lot of weather watching today: hourly forecasts to tell me when there may be rain, and when the heavy storms are likely to roll through. The morning is warm, sultry, portending of a meteorological menace. Still, the rains hold off and we do not waste the morning. After breakfast...

... we hit the farmette lands: Ed goes down to our future forest site and continues to remove brush and bramble. Me, I go back to planting, though not only: I am in less of a hurry now, so I take the time to transplant as well. To move things around as the gardens evolve. And I take the time to admire what's there now.

Irises have entered the show! Nevertheless, it is unquestionably the week of the crab apple. I'm thinking it wont even be a full week of blossoms. The hot spell rushed the flowers and the pink buds are now fully opened to their white magnificence.

It's a beautiful time to be in the garden!

In the afternoon, somewhat apprehensively, I pick up Snowdrop. I see the storms approaching, but they hold off just for a little and I get the girl safely to the farmhouse before all hell breaks loose.

Then of course we have to wait it out. We never get the threatening thunderstorm, but the rain comes down in sheets and torrents. We read, she plays. Distractions until things settle down outside.
The rains continue late into the evening At times heavy, at times light. We'll take it in any fashion. My garden breathes a sigh of relief. And so do I.