Winterize the porch: that was the assignment for today. What this means is that we take out all the potted plants, dump them in the compost pile and clean up the spaces they leave behind. And so long as we are working there, I may as well dig up the weeds growing just to the north of the screen. That's a fall rather than spring project. It's the last spot on the farmette lands that unfreezes in the early spring (north, shade), so if I want the weeds out, now's the time to dig.
And here's what I notice: yes, it is cold outside, but that's not the issue. I have sweaters and jackets for that. The more unnerving thing is that the earth itself is already very very cold. I wear gardening gloves but they don't help at all. My fingers grow numb pretty quickly. That's the first sure sign of our being at the cusp of winter: frozen fingers.
So yes indeed, we had a deep frost and most annuals gave up the ship. The walk to feed the animals was crisp and brisk.

And shortly after breakfast Ed and I got to work.

I can't say we wanted to stay out all day. The hands just can't take that kind of chill for long. Still, if after today, we do nothing more in the flower fields until spring, we'd be okay! Any additional work that we do outside will be cosmetic.
With that feel good attitude, I suggest he and I head out to Gail Ambrosius chocolate shop.
I have known Gail for a while -- since the two of us worked as the Saturday morning bakers at L'Etoile Restaurant. We made croissants and gougeres and epi loaves while it was still dark outside and in those predawn hours I learned that Gail was just biding her time at L'Etoile. Her goal has always been to open an exquisite chocolate shop. And eventually she did it. She is now regarded as one of the premiere chocolatiers in the Midwest. The only reason Ed and I tend to buy our box at Candinas instead of at Gail's is that the former is on our way to Farm & Fleet. Gail is a little out of the way.
But today, we make a special trip to her shop. Her truffles are
incredible: earl gray, jasmine, blueberry. Shiitake, lemongrass, curry.
Cointreau, cognac, rose. These days, I hardly eat any sweets. With one
exception: a piece of special chocolate, at the close of dinner, every
night. Oftentimes it's nothing more than a few squares from a bar of
dark with orange bits. But lately we've been working our way through a
truffle box and so the appetite for these has been whetted.
Gail's chocolate shop is simple. In this way, she is different than, say, a French chocolatier, who will go to great pains to make attractive displays. But to her credit, we are not a city of strollers and shoppers. Working on window displays would be a waste of her time.

We buy a box with a variety of flavors. And as we make our selection, I'm thinking that a good chocolate truffle is probably up there with my most favorite foods. It is indeed a luxury -- her chocolates are expensive -- but Ed and I split just one chocolate each night, so a box will last us a long while.
Gail is working in the back, but she sees me in the store and so she comes out to chat. Of course, it's been a rough year. You can't make chocolates remotely. Finding people to do the intensively delicate work during a pandemic has to be tough. She said they barely managed to get through last year's holidays. But this year is better and I wouldn't be surprised if she is pushed to make an eye-popping number of chocolates. I can't think of a better gift to give someone on your holiday list.
After we made our purchase, carefully selecting each and every one of these:

...Ed and I stay in this part of town and walk through the neighborhood. From Lake Monona, along the Yahara River (which joins Madison's two big lakes), and then back again.
(Looking toward Lake Monona)

(... and in the direction of Lake Mendota)

It's a lovely day for it, but it is a bit nippy. I had the foresight to wear my winter jacket, but I missed my cap and Ed -- well, he's still in shorts. (Hey, it did go up to 41F, or 5C, but still, not shorts weather, Ed! His explanation? Oh, they were the closest pair of pants around.)
Soup for supper -- my veggie combo, with all those CSA veggies and cannellini beans and grated parmesan. And a chocolate for dessert. Blueberry tonight. Mmmmm....