Work outside accelerates. Yes, there is a drizzle this morning. We are ignoring it. We have too much to do. It isn't exciting work: Ed is experimenting with tree planting ideas. Me, I'm madly weeding. If in early spring I ferociously attacked beds to create new flower fields (one end of the weeding continuum: a ferocious attack), I then moderated. A couple of hours a day. Maintenance work. Not light weeding, but somewhere in the middle of the effort continuum. But now -- I need to get back to ferocity, madness, and speed.
(morning walk)

(aside from daffodils, what else is blooming robustly?)

(breakfast definitely in the kitchen, with a new batch of fallen daffodils...)

The new plants will begin arriving in less than two weeks. Everything has to be ready.
And here's a preview of what's to come: today, we drive out to the perennial nursery, the Flower Factory, to pick up a very small bag of flowers. First trip, first arrival! [The Flower Factory, my go to nursery in past years, is actually closed for retail business, but they are selling a smaller number of plants online, for assigned pickup dates. Our first date is in fact today. That's early for Wisconsin planting, but spring came early and we surely are ready for it!]
None of it is going into the ground just yet, but it surely feels wonderful to welcome the first arrivals.

And speaking of welcoming farmette arrivals -- here comes the Sunday dinner gang!

Again, no one wants to linger outside. It's just a little too cool for that (at 53f, or 11c). We are a spoiled lot: in Scotland this may well be summer weather. Still, inside is good too!

(Snowdrop is intent on spiffing us up for dinner)

(Alright then...)

As always, a day of yard work gives you that sense of accomplishment. A day well spent, among a delicately greening flora. It also makes us sleepy. Ed zonks out on the floor even amid the kid noise. I think the young parents (who also had a lot of outdoor time) are not far behind in the heavy eyelid department. How good is that!