Thursday, November 05, 2015

Thursday is art class day

It's still warm out there. I feel I can deal with a very cold winter, because we've had such a long spell of autumnal bliss.

A slightly hurried breakfast...

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A quick scattering of bread for the cheepers...

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And then off to Snowdrop's home. In time to see her wake up.

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After breakfast and a bath, we have a spirited round of play -- of the kind where she wanders off and then looks for me...

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And on her own, she is increasingly practicing standing unsupported...

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All that is fine, but what's most unusual about this day is that Snowdrop starts art class (for ages 0 - 3 years, which I think is pretty funny; btw, Snowdrop is exactly 10 months on this day).

The class falls on a morning hour and sure enough, every single child is accompanied by a (female) nanny or a grandma. We may lay claim to an egalitarian attitude of shared responsibilities at home and at work, but the wee ones, with rare exception, are being tended to by women.

Snowdrop has never held a crayon, but as one of the younger class members, she quickly darts a glance at the other children in the room...

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... and reassures herself that it can't be all that bad.


I was proud of her at the art table, because she managed to sit on her own (unlike others in her age group) and with gentle redirecting, also managed to keep most of the collage items out of her mouth.

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Of course, she loved the teacher and the other kids and so even in her tired last minutes, she was a happy camper. (The art creation was more grandma than her, but she definitely participated!)

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As we drove home, I thought about how this little girl has already had swim classes, is on her second series of music classes, and now has started art class. For her, the thrill is in being with others her age, for her parents (and for me), the joy is in seeing her try new things. As I reenter this world of little guys (it's been a while since they've been in my everyday), I think about the various ways in which we prod and steer them and the ways in which they grow confident and strong. The world over, so many ways of essentially doing the same thing -- helping our young ones get a foothold and find a good place in this complicated world of ours.

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