One small things follows from the next. Big heat, big bugs. Little interest in reaping the benefits of garden work. Peas hang, waiting.

Loud truck rumblings keep us in the kitchen for breakfast.

This sweet little boy knows nothing of the heat, nor of the bugs. No need to go out today. Stay home where it's cool.

Talk to mommy about the big trip from up the stairs to down the stairs then back up again...

Hot, hot, hot. I pick up Snowdrop and offer her two refreshing choices: a dip in the community pool or a splash in the farmette wading pool on the porch. She responds: I just want to stay inside the farmhouse.
And we do. And she dances.

...and messes with ahah...

We draw on index cards and she falls into her story telling: polka dots all around, where the blue jays sing...
I listen and add an occasional mouse or flower to her picture.
Evening: so still! Like air trapped in a steam pot. Hot hot hot.
A new daylily opens up...

...the sun throws one last path of light.

The fireflies come out and dance and sing -- hot hot hot. Summer's here. Is it ever! Hot hot hot!