It's Thanksgiving! Oh yeah!
I'll start with this: Ed always tells me on birthdays and anniversaries -- every day is like a birthday. An excuse to not make a big fuss, but, too, he means it. I thought of that today as I woke to a day that celebrates gratitude. I cannot tell you how many times each and every day I am overcome with gratitude. Ask me today to enumerate things that make me swell with appreciation? Sure, but I truly feel thankful every day. And Ed will throw in his share too. It's not unusual for him to say "I'm so grateful that we have toilets and running water." And I'll add "and heat, and health care, and you..."
Family, friends, good people everywhere, doing good things for others, for the planet. Health, love, sweet gentle Ed.
And now comes the essential part of today -- a gathering over food with those you love.
What food??
Well, soon to be prepared food.
The day starts in the usual way: animal feeding. It's cold! And there's a hawk circling, looking for his own Thanksgiving meal. The chickens wisely refuse to leave their hiding place.

Next - I drive to Batch bakery to pick up the pie. And bread. And pastries for post breakfast snacks.
(what should I get??)

And then I start in on cooking, right?
Well no, not quite. I have to do my morning foot soak. And of course, I need my own morning meal!

And then the gang arrives.

So, a small distraction. They turn on the parade.
No cooking yet for me! But you know, it doesn't matter. People, it's just a turkey, for heaven's sake. True, the hasselback potato dish that everyone loves is a pain to prepare: a million thin potato slices in a cheesy sauce. But the other sides are a breeze! Garlicy green beans. Cranberry corn muffins. A few roasted carrots. Corn, from our summer stash. Cranberries. Mushroom gravy. Oh, and a plant based turkey slice for our pescatarian.
And still I dont get started. Lunch comes before dinner. I make a squash soup for the grownups, pasta for the kids.

Afterwards? The young family heads out for a walk. They don't last long. It's freezing out there!

Now is the time that I finally start in on the dinner.
And guess what -- it does get done!
It was, in fact, a beautiful day. The kids played...
... read, built, drew, and in the end helped solve crossword puzzles with their parents.
The meal was ready on time...
... and the turkey was not undercooked or over roasted (always a miracle!). I suppose I should have spatchcoked the bird rather than splayed it, but the mushroom gravy that topped the meat was fabulous so I forgive myself for taking the easier path.
(thrilled to land the drumstick!)

In short -- a beautiful day.

(wait, just one more, of the young family)

Tomorrow we switch our focus to Christmas. It will be an even more freezing day -- coldest post Thanksgiving ever, I hear. And we will happily huddle in the warmth of a heated house, with both young families, content, and so very grateful.
Happy Thanksgiving.
With so much love...