What you want after a winter storm is a crisp, golden day, where the snow shimmers in its freshness and the outdoors begs for you to come out and play.
We did not get that today. I had vigorously shoveled late into the night to facilitate a grocery delivery and by morning, my efforts were completely covered over by the next several inches of snow. The morning was windy, cold, and cloudy. And snow covered.

Pretty? Yes, I do love snow and this storm dumped a thick, beautiful layer of it.
But when I asked the kids if they wanted to play outside, I got a stalling tactic -- "how about tomorrow instead, to make it more special?" And when I asked Ed if we should go skiing, he said "sure" and then promptly dozed off on the couch.
[In the end, he and I did go out with our skis at dusk and it was grand, albeit very nippy!]
Warm breakfast...

Despite the chill outside, the kids continue their habit of coming in from the car ride without their winter gear (which comes separately, in a bag).

[And they leave in the same manner and frankly, I am amused rather than disturbed by it!]

At the farmhouse, I've put out all the snow themed books I could find. Snowdrop pounces on them.

Sparrow... has a long period of indecision. After a while, he finds his groove.

[Their wild side comes out, especially when Ed joins in on the rambunctiousness.]

It is a given that our evening will be a quiet one. The last time Ed and I had a house packed with partying people was... I can't remember when. Most likely it was on behalf of one of my daughters (celebrations surrounding their children or soon to be born children), or someone from Ed's workplace. On our own, we always opt for evening quiet.

Doesn't everyone?