If I added that the day was crispy splendid, that the meal was a pleasure to prepare and that cleaning the farmhouse made it all spiffy and ready for the year ahead, wouldn’t that sound like a day well spent?
All in the telling. Fact is, I had a wonderful day. My daughter kept me company while I baked and Ed fixed a dented John Deere. I rolled out the buttermilk strawberry scones, made the dough for the apple frangipane galette (apples from our tree) and prepared the strawberries for the frozen strawberry yogurt.
I cooked potatoes and chopped tomatoes (from our plants) and prepared the shrimp for the salad on the side. The corn was terrific, the brats were my favorites (with chicken meat and hot peppers).
And let's not forget the people. My daughter, her friends and so too, by extension, my friends. Ed behaved, Isis kept to the side, the cool air added a touch of autumn to the evening.
Such a good finale.
Now, let me tuck the last dish away and pull out pages of notes. Fall's here. I have three classes to teach tomorrow.