A rainy morning. Muggy and wet. I'd been up since well before dawn because mouth surgeries have a way of annoying the heck out of you on the third day after the fact. Ed looked inside my mouth and said it looked weird. Maybe we should send a picture of it to your doc?
Nah, not that weird. A quick consult, some tips by phone on what to do next and I put the whole matter aside and moved on with the day. Yawn... Is it nap time yet?
It's now officially super buggy outside and so I have little interest in lingering during the morning walk. Just a quick clip of this last set of summer lilies...

... and I'm off on my Saturday rounds: to the downtown market, for a few essentials, including flowers.

And to meet up with Snowdrop and her mom for a croissant breakfast at this cafe:

We eat outside, but the food pickup is indoors. Everyone observes the posted mask requirement except for one dude who refuses. Absolutely refuses. And so they refuse to serve him. And there is a brouhaha, and I think to myself -- people are so strange... You watch all these nature movies and you see how smart animals are at protecting themselves and their own and then you watch scenes like this one and you think -- humans just don't measure up.
Afterwards, Snowdrop comes over to the farmhouse..
(bringing in the flowers...)

(book time!)

(haircut time: must get her spiffed up for school!)

(And home again. One brother napping, the other eager to say hello. In his own way.)

Back at the farmette, I wash my car. We are entering a car nuisance phase of the year where the sap from the willow (which overhangs our car park) drips down on the car, attracting yellow jackets and insects I'd never even heard of. There are three solutions to this: move the car, wash the car, or build a small roof over the parking area. Might you guess which option I favor? And which one Ed opposes? And thus which becomes the only realistic solution?
Yep, I take out the hose and aim hard.
And this is how washing compulsions start. From car, I move indoors and wash all the throw covers in the living room, quilt covers, napkins, diaper table covers, dish cloths, and as long as we're going that route, isn't it time to thoroughly clean the house?
I think if I had to give a title to my everyday it would be: "and one thing leads to another..."
And eventually night takes hold and all good people go to sleep. Well, not us. No pop corn allowed yet, but "cheddar cheesy smiles" are a good substitute!