Thursday, September 19, 2013

the night

It started as a regular old Wednesday. I do a quick walk through the gardens, noting that the cosmos troopers are really carrying the show in many places, including along the path to the sheep shed.

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By the farmhouse, the reblooming daylilies are showing signs of life, and the phlox, and... oh, let me not list them! There are that many.

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I teach today and again I stay in my office late, working on exam questions. And so it's evening by the time I swing rosie by the secondary lake...

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...pulling into our path in the golden evening light. The garden looks at its best now, just as the sun is setting.

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I note that it's warm outside. Warmer than the morning, warmer than just an hour ago. Nonetheless, the plan is  to cook chili tonight and I do that. So many small tomatoes to clean, cut, stir in!

And again I'm tired early. We both are. But wait -- could it be daytime again? The night is so bright!

Sometime after midnight, I wake up and glance out at the dazzling sky. In the distance I see faint signs of a thunderstorm. But above us, the skies are almost clear.

I go outside. Warm! How can it be this warm?!


That moon! it surely cannot be anything less than full!

A September 19th harvest moon -- beautiful and proud.


The cat goes in, the cat goes out. The night passes. The morning is still as warm, no -- warmer! We eat breakfast out on the porch -- of course we do! The last time perhaps...

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Yes, the last time.


I sit down and rewrite for the millionth time a very important letter. Just after the noon hour I send it, then I settle down to work.