I am up too early. That's it, I'm sure of it: that's the reason for the mosquito uptick. Things will settle down as the day progresses.
Wont they?
They do settle down a bit, Ed tells me later, even as I'm not there to find this out. I have only my early morning walk through the farmette lands and so I wave my arms and make do.
And it really is a lovely walk. A few of my favorite moments:
The corner of the lily field:
And here's a reason not to snip off all the spent lily blooms: our resident green frog (she is here every single year) likes the juiciness of that wilted flower!
A commenter asks about our tomato patch. I braved the bugs to go out and do an inspection. So far so good! And I got two ripe tomatoes (the first ones!) for my efforts!
The rest still are at this stage:
Back to the lilies! So tall, regal, colorful!
Here's a photo that puts things in perspective: the lilies do not stand alone. They are in the company of other perennials to the front and to the side, and even some annuals at the base of their bed.
With a view.
And one more garden photo -- Ed "commissioned" this one, asking me -- did you catch that one of the golden flowers over there? The sunlight on them is incredible! Okay, Ed. This one's for you.
I have a rather early meet up with Snowdrop and her mom. We're off to the farmers market and we need to do this efficiently as our afternoon is blocked for other events.
(The market is, of course, bursting with flowers as well. Here's one family vendor out of oh so many!)
(Snowdrop admires the mushrooms I pick up every single week here...)
Smart girl: she finds it easier to move on the grass, where the crowds are less dense...
Every little one needs a respite and a hug in mommy's arms...
After the market, we pop into the toy store, just because. Snowdrop shows me that indeed, she has ridden the scooter many times (at school).
Back at her house, her mom is getting ready for a baby shower for a good friend who no longer lives in Madison but who is here for this event -- along with her whole family.
(Snowdrop enjoys the preparations which include balloons...)
Summer punch!
What's remarkable about this duo is that these "girls" first met up at the beginning of first grade. They were the new kids in school. They quickly became friends. Seeing them today, and, too, the parents, was like rolling back the clock a good thirty years...
Toward the end of the gathering, Snowdrop comes downstairs. I didn't think she had much of a sweet tooth until I saw her dive into that cupcake, followed by a chocolate lollipop.

I did not return to the farmhouse until evening. I'd promised Ed a round of tennis and I almost backed out. I'd been up and moving around since that first morning walk in the garden. I just wanted to sit. Perhaps with an Aperol Spritz.
But I didn't back out. Our tennis game in the hidden and neglected courts out there amidst pines that spray spent needles everywhere are like an escape into a world that is without chaos or worry. It's a quiet space, thick with the fragrance of spruce and pine. We didn't play well today, but it was a heavenly game nonetheless.
Later, much later, I sit on the porch, writing, watching the sparky fireflies, the diving bats, listening to the crickets and the final call of a few persistent birds. The swallows, which have adopted the farmette for their extended family use, have long retired. We'll see them again at breakfast, swooping gracefully from high above, into the garage, then out again.
Inhale, exhale. It was a full and beautiful day.