I come downstairs this morning to a finished jigsaw puzzle. No wonder I didn't see Ed upstairs until close to 4a.m. Well good for him! It's been a long time since I've seen him so continuously away from his computer screen.
But of course, now he is still sleeping.
I go out to throw corn into a locked up coop. We're keeping the chickens inside. I can't say there's much logic to it, but at least we know we're buying safe time for them as we discuss the pros and cons of setting them free this winter.
Breakfast? Alone again, naturally!

I could have munched on croissants with the young family. After all, I volunteered to bring some over to their house. It's sort of a half holiday in that one child has an activity, but the second one is cancelled, and the second child has none. So I drive to Madison Sourdough to get them all croissants.

But I save mine to eat with Ed tomorrow.
So clever of me: leave the croissant crumbs at their house!

(too young for croissants)

I bring the two older tykes to the farmhouse. Both wanted to come and we have a lovely time doing our usual stuff at the farmette. Please ignore the fact that they are not wearing jackets. It happens.

Then comes the scramble: kids are picked up, but I'd left my phone at the young family's house so now I have to chase them around town to retrieve it. To make this a more pleasant experience (I'm not a fan of much driving), I allow myself a brief visit to this Scandinavian store:

I used to love to come here many many years ago! These days I don't bother. In an effort not to buy stuff, I avoid looking at tempting things that end up only cluttering the house. Still, I'd sprung for a somewhat larger tree this year (like, maybe even 4 ft tall!) and it's going to be one naked tree unless I add a couple of more dainty things to it. I'm not looking for many decorations. Minimalism still feels good to me at this stage of the game. But a couple of delicate items added to it would be nice.
Not that I can decorate the tree yet. I don't have a good stand for it. I'd given away the old ugly thing that never worked anyway and I've been bringing home tiny trees that come already inside one-use stands. So now I bought a bigger tree and I need a real stand. I ordered one and I have to wait a couple of days for it to arrive. A light punishment for my extravagance!
In the evening, Ed and I are still reheating leftovers. There are dozens of wonderful recipes that I could have used for leftover turkey meat, but I find that what I want most after Thanksgiving is to not read another recipe for at least two weeks. Heat it up, pour on gravy, eat. That is what I call the perfect post Thanksgiving meal.