Oh, beautiful farmhouse, you! Every bit worked over, continuously worked over, so that the ladder still stands, the projects continue.

The gardens -- Ed asks: how can you leave all this?

He expects no response. He knows the response. I am that way.
I water just a few of the recent plantings. In the morning, the gentle light and the wet mist from my efforts create delicate canvases all around me.

I dare not linger though. Packing a very light, tiny suitcase (from Ed: I'm so proud of you!), tending to the farmhouse -- getting it ready for the weeks of Ed use.
And of course, breakfast.

All so predictably lovely!
He drops me at the airport, there are the final instructions, the questions, the assurances...
And I'm off.
It's a complicated trip. Tomorrow alone I will have four flights to connect, one to the next. It goes like this: from Madison to Detroit (that's today), from Detroit to Amsterdam, from Amsterdam to Helsinki and now comes the anomaly -- from Helsinki backwards, to Paris, from Paris to Warsaw (where I will spend all of 18 hours).
I thought I had some paperwork to attend to in Warsaw and so I inserted that quick stopover, even as getting there from Helsinki is not easy. So I have this string of silliness to show for it.
Never mind, the destinations are all good, important, worth the effort. I will, of course, try to keep to my posting schedule. If things appear a bit erratic -- well, you can see why!
To interesting days ahead!