But at least I slept well, knowing that my morning was without appointments and commitments.
You do not appreciate the gift of a simple morning unless you've tumbled through one tumult or another. This morning's basic simplicity felt luxurious indeed!

... with a look toward the garden which henceforth will only receive the occasional trim, but you wont notice, because it's late summer...

I grocery shop for the week -- a day late, but hey, I've been busy!
Lunch, a meal I almost never eat, except that today I do, on the porch again, with Ed...

And then I go to the young family's new home to help with the unpacking.
Snowdrop's good, she is fine, a little confused, but excellent, wonderful, then upset, but happy, happy, happy, then upset again -- in other words, she is two years old and intellectually, she understands that she has moved, but it doesn't yet fell normal for her.
Boxes. Everywhere, there are boxes...

... wherever you step.

A window in her room that I can guarantee you she will someday love -- so sunny! so full of interesting glimpses onto the neighborhood! -- right now, looks onto a world that she hasn't yet embraced as her own.

Here's a wonderful surprise for her -- her aunt and uncle are in town and they come by to check out her new home.

Hey, aunt, come see what uncle and I have built!

Some rooms are still empty and there are the endless boxes, but aunt and uncle chase her around and around and I see the giggle in the girl again...

Fun, in a new place, with familiar faces...

Familiar hugs...

As more of the familiar mixes with the new, as mommy plays with favorite toys and daddy brings the cats home, as boxes are broken down and stacked in the garage, as the favorite foods fill the tummy and the favorite books rhythmically spell out the familiar words, the wild train ride settles into a steady chug-a-choo, chug-a-choo...
In the meantime, at the farmhouse, the garden looks its Autumn best. Or maybe it's just the way the world appears to me tonight.