Those were my thoughts today when caring for Snowdrop. But let me go back, as always, to the beginning of the day: Ed was getting ready to head out and in waiting for him for breakfast, I had a chance to set up the camera for a timed release. So -- breakfast in the sun room, without sun, the both of us.

And again he is more willing than usual to put up with my camera, so again I have this rather sweet photo of him from across the table. It's not every day that his t-shirt perfectly matches the flowers in the vase.

Alright: now for daily Snowdrop fare.
It's getting to be cold again, but not so cold that you'd want to avoid the outdoors. Just below freezing for January is actually pretty tame for us. And so I surprise Snowdrop by picking her up at school not by car, but with the stroller.
She is surprised.

But very pleased! (Even if it does mean that she has to don her cap and mitts.) During the past two winters I would routinely take her out for a walk even on colder days. The girl's used to this stuff. And she never complains, even when the wind picks up and her cheeks and nose turn rosy pink.

The walk to her home (where we spend the afternoon today) isn't long and I ask her if she wants to stay outdoors for a while longer. She does!

But my attempt at building a snowman are a failure. We've gone from mushy wet snow to icy frozen stuff. Never mind. We go for a strollerless walk.

Gaga, I want to go to the park!
Ah, but there are, in the end, limits to what you can do outside on a day like this. Parks are ice covered and closed.
We return to her home, where she spends a lovely hour playing inside her little play house.
Snowdrop, can you run in such a small space?
Yes I can!

Sometimes she invites me in, sometimes she ushers me out. It is her space. I oblige.

I need to wash my hands -- she tells me as she makes splashy noises in the play sink.

Can she open the real window from inside the play window?
She thinks she can.

Okay little girl. Maybe we should change venues.
She discovers her toy globe (which happens to play little ditties if you press buttons strategically positioned all over the world). Can you dance while sitting down?
She can!

Sweet child, it's really time for your nap!
She has other ideas. She finds my scarf and goes for a run with penguin...

I want to put on jacket and go outside!
Like I said, a child can be easily redirected. Sense prevails. Peace sets in. How lovely is that!
Evening. Her mom is back from work. We exhale after a tumultuous week of sickness, storms and too much news watching.

Snowdrop's mom starts fixing supper and I go home to the farmhouse to do the same.
The kitchen is warm. The aromas are heavenly. All is calm.